Tell Maven to not include src/test/resources in Eclipse
When creating a jar-with-dependencies, the resources in src/test/resources are automatically added to the jar. This folder often contains a .properties file only valid for the test environment and should not be included in the final jar.
Additional Note
Adding a resource
tag to exclude the directory is ignored by Maven running in Eclipse. It’s not clear why.
Right-click the source folder “src/test/resources” and click “Build Path|Configure Exclusion/Inclusion Filters…”. Add an exclusion filter of **
. Now the resources will not be included in the final jar file.
Testing from Eclipse
When running from eclipse, it is possible to include the content of src/test/resources in the classpath. Here’s how:
- Right-click src/main/java
- Click “Properties”
- Click “Run/Debug Settings”
- Select a Launch Configuration you want to change.
- Click Edit.
- Click the Classpath tab.
- Click Advanced…
- Click Add Folders and Click Ok
- Select the src/test/resources folder on your project.
Now when running from eclipse, the test resources are in the classpath. It maybe necessary to make this change for several launch configurations.