Using a webproxy with Maven in Eclipse
Maven doesn’t seem to connect to the Internet. I have the http_proxy environment variables set. I also configured Eclipse Preferences|General|Network Connections to connect to my proxy. However, when I start up eclipse, I get something like this:
1/19/11 3:25:34 PM CST: Updating index central| 1/19/11 3:25:35 PM CST: Unable to update index for central|
The m2 Maven plugin for Eclipse ignores the http_proxy Environment variable and the Network Connection configuration. Instead, it’s necessary to set the proxy using the settings.xml file. Settings.xml is found on your home directory. Here’s an example:
<settings xmlns=""
There is a hyperlink to this file in Window|Preferences|Maven|User Settings in Eclipse. After making your changes, just click “Update Settings”.